Session 4.10: Stop the buzzword: closing persistent gaps in the implementation of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus (continuation of session 3.10)

This is a two-part session in which we will open a space to dialogue about the challenges that the multi-scale and multi-sector character of the WEF Nexus pose to social actors, including for example policy makers, NGOs or practitioners. It is a joint effort coming from four Nexus-related research projects that share a common premise: that the conceptual tool of the WEF nexus can only be made operational through an active engagement of stakeholders. We seek input to improve the work within the projects as well as expect to contribute back a set of good practices useful for a wide range of actors.


Building from the presentations and discussion of the first part of the session, this second part has the objective of proposing a set of good practices in research that will help meeting the challenges of WEF implementation that different social groups including NGOs, companies or policy makers face. It is designed to foster creative interaction beyond the usual discussion panel. We propose a participatory exercise based on the open space technique, which creates a flexible, inclusive and deliberative environment to dialogue about questions that matter to participants. The Open Space mixes discussion in little groups with conclusion sharing with the plenary audience. The most important conclusions will not only help improve the development of all four projects but will also be summarized in a brief publicly available from their websites.


Chair - G. Salmoral
Chair - V. Cabello
Chair - B. Willaarts
Chair - C. Madrid-López